Whatever you can donate makes a big difference in helping us to provide a range of life changing experiences for children and adults with disabilities and their families.
We would like to thank all our supporters who have raised funds for us to ensure that we can continue the valuable work at Gaddesden Place.
To donate, please use one of the options below:
Donate online
Click the button below and follow the instructions on the GoodHub website.
Donate via BACS
Our bank details are as below:
Lloyds Bank
Gaddesden Place RDA Centre
Sort Code: 30-99-21
Account number: 36968868
Donate by cheque
Cheques should be made payable to “Gaddesden Place RDA Centre” and sent to:
C/O Treasurer
Gaddesden Place RDA
Briden’s Camp
Hemel Hempstead
GiftAid your donation
If you’re a UK taxpayer, please remember to gift aid your donation. An additional 25p is added to every pound donated, with no extra cost to you.
Please print and fill out the form and either scan to or post to C/o Treasurer, Gaddesden Place RDA, Briden’s Camp, Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire, HP2 6EX
Alternatively you can email to request a paper copy.
“Where would we be without the RDA- physically its been amazing, emotionally its been supportive and the volunteers and horses are just incredible“